
A trade union and Latin American perspective on the OECD recommendations on education
In this document, Education International Latin America addresses the advancement of the commercialization of education and policies favoring private profit with public education funds in the region. Along these lines, the Latin American Observatory of Educational Policy (OLPE) has made an extensive bibliographic review of the different recommendations made by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the field of educational policy in our countries. From the moment of its founding in 1960, the OECD set out to promote flows of capital, the expansion of markets and the intensification of the expansion of world trade.
This objective is also expressed in the recommendations it makes to countries in the field of education. The publication A trade union and Latin American perspective on the OECD recommendations on education: A gateway to the commercialization of education reviews a set of policies promoted by the OECD in the region on issues as diverse as financing, curriculum, educational administration, assessment, tertiary education, the private provision of educational services, teaching degrees and even the participation of working people in decision-making forums.