
RED Magazine Vol. 9 Educate, fight and provide care?
The RED Magazine is an alternative space for dialogue and political education that promotes research from a gender perspective, drawing on feminist viewpoints and critical perspectives. The RED de Trabajadoras de la Educación (Women’s Network) of Education International Latin America (EILA) aims, through this platform, to shed light on the social and political and trade union realities faced by teachers and women in this region. It is published annually and is directed towards our affiliated organizations, teachers, unionists, activists, researchers, and other social movements.
For Volume 9 of the RED Magazine, we focused on addressing priority issues for education workers. The first section analyzes the crisis in care work and how this situation impacts the lives of female teachers and unionists, exacerbating inequalities. The significant efforts made by education workers in balancing their work responsibilities and union or social activism collide with societal expectations and demands for them to solely undertake caregiving tasks.
"Educate, fight, and care?" – the phrase illustrated on our cover and serving as the title for this volume – aims to question the triple burden shouldered by female unionists and to stimulate reflections and actions aimed at seeking a fair distribution of care tasks.
Read and download RED Magazine Volume 9 below.